Home and Garden Show

Home and Garden Show

On Sat 29 Jun we’ll be hosting our FIRST EVER Home and Garden Show; a shopping event dedicated to garden and homeware. With a handpicked selection of stallholders from across the region offering everything from handmade furnishings and bespoke upholstery, to traditional straw baskets and Geodesic garden hubs, you’re sure to find inspiration whatever your style!

As well as shopping, there’s plenty of opportunity to get creative as we will be joined by print and textile designers Sarah and Rosie Moss, who will be running several practical workshops throughout the day. Come and try your hand at screen printing onto fabric at one of our morning drop in sessions or spend the afternoon designing your own hand printed tea towel using a combination of screen printing and lino cutting. Click here to find out more and to BOOK your space.

We are also thrilled to announce that Interior Designer, Sarah Ahluwalia, will be bringing her Curating the Home talk to the show. Curating the Home discusses the process of creating a home that represents its inhabitants through thoughtful design. Sarah will talk about sustainability, art sourcing, trends and design philosophy and psychology.

Curating a home is about using design as a form of self-expression, in a conscious and considered way. It’s about the journey and discovery of each item or element – the chair found in the skip, the piece of art collected on holiday, the side table passed down through the family. It’s about using what you have and up-cycling while also discovering new artists and designers to support.

Images ⓒ Saal Design

Sarah has over 30 years experience within the world of interiors. Her studio, Saal Design, was established in 1988 and specialises in luxury residential and commercial interiors. Based in Leamington Spa and operating throughout Warwickshire and the Cotswolds, they offer clients a total turnkey service, from concept to completion. Discover more: www.saaldesign.co.uk

Entry to the Home and Garden show is FREE with admission. Click here for more information.