5 signs of Spring you can spot now

5 signs of Spring you can spot now

As Friday 1 March marks the meteorological start of Spring, signs are starting to emerge at Compton Verney that reassure us Springtime is imminent despite the lingering cold.

Landscape Manager Fiona shared insights into these subtle hints around the grounds, inviting you to explore them over the coming weeks, even as the house temporarily closes until Thursday 21 March.

Come and embrace the early signs of Spring with a tranquil walk while we prepare to unveil our 20th anniversary exhibitions.

Blossoming trees

“All trees have flowers,” said Fiona, “some are just more obvious than others”. Right now, if you walk along the Ice House Coppice at Compton Verney, you can spot several trees starting to blossom. The male flowers release pollen and the female flowers are fertilised and this process is really important for insects at this time of year.


“You might have noticed in your own garden that grass has started to grow. That is because grass starts to grow at 7°C so we know the weather is getting milder and it provides a lovely fresh backdrop for Spring florals like our Primroses which literally mean ‘first of Spring'”.


“At the moment, another sign of Spring you can spot is our grounds team, working away to trim back shrubs and trees around the coppices. This process will let light into areas of dense woodland thus promoting healthier growth of various plants.”

Bud Bursting

“From the moment the first buds burst on trees to their fruit harvest and autumnal leaves, the life cycle of a tree only lasts 5 months. You can see which trees are entering this first stage by keeping an eye out for bud bursts.”

Woodland Birds

“Finally, one of the most exciting signs of Spring you can spot at Compton Verney are the woodland birds. We continue to feed our resident birds throughout Winter and Spring and from our bird hide, you can now spot goldcrests, nuthatches, and even marsh tits.”

Nuthatch at CV- photo by Alwyn Knapton

You can come and wander our grounds in the upcoming weeks as we prepare to introduce our 20th anniversary programme, featuring captivating exhibitions like Sculpture in the Park, Landscape and Imagination, A Spirit Inside, and much more.

Find out more below:
