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Free HALLOWEEN TRAIL offerat Compton Verney

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Help us to futurepROOF our gallery

Several pedestals in the centre showcasing sculptures. Paintings and artworks of various styles line the walls, including landscapes, portraits, and abstract pieces in ornate frames.
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Compton Verney AFTER DARK

A night-time photograph of an illuminated stone statue, appearing to be a sphinx or mythological creature with a human head and animal body. The statue is lit from below, casting a golden glow on its features. In the background, out of focus, there are colourful lights visible, suggesting some kind of event or display. Small round lights are arranged around the base of the statue.
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Welcome to Autumn & Winter 2024/25 at Compton Verney

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Free circus ticket this Weekend at Compton Verney

A group of 5 performers stand outside a circus tent with circus equipment.
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Free ice cream this Weekend at Compton Verney

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MX-5 Owner's Club at Compton Verney

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A Glimpse into our Portraits Gallery

This image shows people stood in an art gallery with wooden floors and warm, dark grey walls. Portraits of important figures hang on the walls in ornate gold frames. A black bench sits in the centre of the room as light shines in from tall windows on the right.
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Volunteers Week with Emily 

The image shows an art gallery room with ornate white columns, blue walls, and various framed paintings displayed. In the centre of the room stands a young woman wearing a black jacket, trousers, and shoes. She appears to be a staff member or guide, wearing an identification badge. The setting suggests she is working or employed at this gallery, surrounded by the exhibited artworks in this elegant, columned interior space.
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Summer Holidays at Compton Verney 

The image shows a group of young children dancing and celebrating at what appears to be an outdoor music festival or concert. One child in a red sequined dress has her arms raised joyfully. Another with blonde hair wears colourful arm bands and has her arms stretched upwards passionately. The third child also has their arms raised euphorically, wearing a grey top. Their expressions and body language convey an atmosphere of carefree fun, revelry, and youthful energy against a sunny sky backdrop. A smiley face icon in the lower right corner adds a playful, upbeat touch.
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