Slash and Burn – In the coppice at Compton Verney.

Last week saw a another pruning and sorting session in the Ice House Coppice at Compton Verney and with damp ground all around, we opted to burn in-situ rather than cart all the cuttings through the site – which would have caused much grass disturbance.

Naturally the weather played its part and made proceeds ‘interesting’ shall we say, but a good days pruning and burning was had by all. Ahead of us now lies a large scale planting project to continue planting throughout the coppice. The eventual aim is to have tightly manicured shrubberies, with views through, over and around to one focal point or another.

Volunteer Dick Cluley keeping the heat going, staying quite rightly on the less smelly side of the bonfire! ©Compton Verney / Anne Harwood 2015


A warm glow on a snowy day ©Compton Verney / Anne Harwood 2015


Ground work whatever the weather

Relocating a dead wood pile to make way for more planting – and no snow was forecast! © Compton Verney / Anne Harwood 2015

'Gary and his snow-hat'. It's usually me taking the shots, but this time Anne gets revenge and grabs a photo - and yes I should have had my hat on! © Compton Verney / Anne Harwood 2015

‘Gary and his snow-hat’. It’s usually me taking the shots, but this time Anne gets revenge and grabs a photo – and yes I should have had my hat on! © Compton Verney / Anne Harwood 2015

Thanks to Anne, one of our grounds volunteers, the foundation work is recorded here for posterity. As you can see, the weather made proceeds interesting to say the least, with snow appearing but not dampening our spirits. Enjoy!

Kind regards

Gary Webb, Head of Landscape and Gardens, Compton Verney