Help for Hedgehogs Survey


We’ve been out with Warwickshire Wildlife Trust representatives Ben Devine and Sarah Brooks this week around the grounds at Compton Verney, on a mission to record some of the smaller creatures that might be about the site. Whilst our activity was initially triggered by the WWT Help for Hedgehogs campaign, this activity, essentially one of recording, has the potential to inform as to many other species at Compton Verney. Ultimately – the more we learn about the site, and the species that visit or live here; the better provision we can make.


Assembling the flat-pack tunnels

As shown in the image, small triangular tunnels are being used on this occasion, which are placed in various locations suitable for the target species. We are of course hoping to record hedgehogs, but other species could pass by on their daily rounds in search of food or shelter. Any individual that passes through can hopefully be identified by footprints left behind on clear white paper secured to the base of the tunnel – how simple is that?!


On goes the fresh paper!

The paper will be checked regularly, being changed as needed, and hopefully we’ll pick up some footprints that can be checked against a handy reference page provided by the ‘Mammal Society’ . It must be said that Warwickshire Wildlife Trust have been very supportive in our desire to learn more about the site, and my thanks go to Ben and Sarah for their assistance so far. If you’re even a little intrigued by this article please do follow the links and show your support for their important work.


Warwickshire Wildlife Trust recording tunnel placed at Compton Verney

Being optimistic, I hope in a few days to be posting some positive material about species recorded, especially with the amount of trampled tracks and footprints we were seeing around the site. However, with over a hundred acres from which to choose, it will be with a little luck, as well as judgement, if we’re going to capture some identifiable footprints – fingers crossed!


A recording sheet to help identify any prints… supplied by Mammal Society

If you don’t already, please do add your email and follow the blog – we’ll add updates on our progress; both with wildlife recording and throughout many other areas of our work.
Back soon!

@ComptonVerney @Help4Hedgehogs  @WKWT


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