Colour – An Autumn Selection from Compton Verney.

Although our gates are closed to general visitors for a month or so, activity continues apace in and around the grounds. More of these goings-on in a forthcoming post, for now I hope to bring a shot of colour to the generally gloomy December days we are presently experiencing.

I count myself amongst the luckiest of people, being able to work at such a special location; dripping with character, packed with variety and full of rich colour – especially so in autumn. Before the memory of autumn is completely replaced by the festive glow, I thought I’d bring together a selection of images taken whilst out and about at Compton Verney.

A link at the foot of this post links to these, and more images in the form of a video.



This foliage on a Cedar of Lebanon is to be found inches above the ground above the front lawn at Compton Verney


Liquidamber styraciflua, or Sweetgum, planted in a shelter belt at Compton Verney.

A headstone set in the lawn, near the old chapel location at Compton Verney

Capability+Brown+Chapel-Compton Verney

The ‘new’ chapel at Compton Verney, a ‘Capability’ Brown example to be precise.


Phytolacca americana, otherwise known as American Pokeweed, a recent planting in the Ice House Coppice


John Frankland: ‘Untitled Boulder’, 2001. Taken here in 2013 with east end of chapel in distance.


Coppery Beech foliage

Rose hips along the shrubbery


Adam tidying the shelter belt above the west lawn.


A horse shoe shaped grove of Tilia × europaea.


Buttery yellow Acer campestre, or Field Maple, planted in the shelter belt above the west lawn at Compton Verney


And finally, a familiar autumnal sight near the Adam/Sphinx Bridge – Large palmate leaves from the huge London Plane, Platanus × acerifolia

Link to my very amateur video of the above images & more!